The Rise of Voice Control: How Voice Assistants are Revolutionizing Smart Homes

Team Pert

June 14, 2023

In the not-so-distant past, the idea of controlling our homes with just our voices seemed like something out of a sci-fi movie. But today, it has become a reality, thanks to the rise of voice control and the incredible advancements in voice assistant technology. Smart homes are no longer limited to remote-controlled devices; they now respond to our every command, making our lives more convenient and comfortable than ever before.

Imagine waking up in the morning and saying, “Good morning, Alexa.” Instantly, your voice assistant springs into action, adjusting the thermostat to your desired temperature, brewing a fresh cup of coffee, and playing your favorite upbeat playlist. It’s as if your home knows you and caters to your every need. This level of automation and personalization is what sets Pert’s voice-controlled smart homes apart.

How Voice Assistants Can Transform Your Home?

Buckle up for a mind-blowing ride as we dive into the extraordinary realm of voice assistants. Sure, hands-free convenience is just the tip of the iceberg. But wait, there’s more! 

  • Highly Compatible

Voice assistants are compatible with all smart devices at your home. Lights, curtains, security systems, microwave sensors, everything can be customized to suit your voice-assisting needs. Pert’s smart home devices are compatible with Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google Voice Assistant. Welcome yourself home in convenience and comfort  with Pert!

  • “Good morning! Feel free to ask me anything”

With a human tone, you can depend on the AI-based voice-assistant technology for anything and everything. It can switch on and off the lights or draw the curtain, answer your questions, and more. Want your voice assistant to read out the top headlines of the day? Done! Want it to draw open the curtain or switch off the lights or turn on the geyser? Also done! Voice assistants can be customized to your use, as they answer all  your commands. 

  • Stay on Schedule

Your smart devices can even acquire knowledge and learn your voice command requests. With voice assistants, you can schedule and coordinate the activities of your other smart devices, and also set your voice reminders. 

  • Enhanced Security Features

Connect voice assistants to your smart security devices to receive real-time tracking of your home. With voice assistants, you can secure your home with voice recognition entry, or voice-activated control. You can even customize a voice-activated panic call in case of an emergency. Your security alerts and push notifications can be enabled with voice assistants to notify you instantly.

  • Easy-to-use

Voice commands with Pert Smart devices empower seniors, making daily tasks effortless. It promotes inclusivity, enabling people of all ages to conveniently embrace this technology. Voice command automation is an easy access to both young and old, and this user-friendly tech is revolutionizing life at home.

You can make the most of your voice assistants with Pert’s smart home automation products. With endless possibilities, personalize, organize, and optimize your home with Pert-integrated voice commands. 


Q. What Pert devices can be controlled with Voice Assistants?

A. All of Pert’s smart devices can be integrated with Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, and Google Assistant to provide hands-free voice control over your devices. This includes control over lighting, curtain, energy management, entertainment, and interfaces.  

Q. Can I use Pert’s products with Voice Assistants easily even if I am not technologically inclined?

A. Yes! Pert’s smart home solutions and voice assistants it can be integrated with are both very easy to use, and even the process of integration is easy. With the assistance of Pert employees, you can learn how to control your devices hassle-freely and conveniently manage them. 

Q. Why should I choose Pert for smart home automation with voice control?

A. Pert is a one-stop solution for all your home automation needs. With in-house manufacturing, we can personalize your devices to suit your needs. Offering comfort, convenience, and luxury with easy control via voice assistants and Pert’s smartphone app, sensor-based technology, user-friendly interface, technological intelligence, and device compatibility, Pert is your go-to for home automation with voice control. 

Q. Can voice commands even control my Pert Smart Plug?

A. Yes, all of Pert’s smart devices can easily be integrated into a voice-command system. With Pert’s Smart Plug, you can enable voice commands to other electronic devices as well!

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